Friday, November 30, 2012

What's with the name?

Why would anyone name a blog Finding Number 100?

Have you ever heard of the 100th monkey theory?  Legend has it there were once some monkeys on a chain of Islands in the Pacific who wouldn't eat their sweet potatoes because they were covered with sand.  A scientist had the idea that if he taught some of the young monkeys to wash the sweet potatoes then those young ones would teach their friends and their offspring.  Thus, the monkey population would be saved.

That's not what happened.

Allegedly, the young monkeys taught some of their friends, who taught some of their friends.  It caught on a little but stagnated.  The older monkeys wanted nothing to do with it.  But the young monkeys kept doing it - washing their sweet potatoes and enjoying sand free food.

Then something changed.

Suddenly all the monkeys on the island knew how to wash their sweet potatoes - even monkeys who hadn't been taught.  The scientist was amazed.  Even more amazing was that monkeys on the mainland, and on other islands, suddenly knew how to wash their sweet potatoes too.  It was like a shift in the overall consciousness of all the monkeys in the area.

So the idea is that if you have 99 monkeys all doing one thing, when the 100th monkey learns it, that idea will spread through the whole population.

Naturally, the scientist wanted to try this on humans.  Several tests demonstrated this as a phenomenon not only in the animal kingdom, but in humans as well.  Once an idea is taught or learned or practiced by enough members of a community, it spreads almost as if through the ether.

This is a condensed version of the story, and I encourage you to read about it yourself. 

Now back to the question.  Why would anyone name a blog Finding Number 100?

Hopefully by writing encouraging stories, interesting insights, and challenging narratives I can find that 100th monkey.  Maybe it won't be through my blog.  Maybe someone will read what I wrote and share it with someone else.  Maybe I'll talk to someone about it.  Maybe that person will be the 100th monkey who needed to learn Christ Consciousness - compassion, healing, unconditional love, forgiveness, and a broader understanding of how the world works and is supposed to work.

So, are you the 100th monkey?  Do you know someone who might be?

